Thread Veins Treatments

At West Midlands Veins Clinic we only specialise in treatments for varicose veins and thread veins on the legs.  Treatment of leg thread veins is best achieved using injection sclerotherapy which has the best cosmetic results.  Many other practitioners and aesthetic clinics will offer a wide range of treatment options (intense pulsed light IPL, thermocoagulation and laser) which are often successful on facial veins, but less effective on thread veins in the leg.

Because thread veins are often associated with an underlying feeding vein it is important that patients have a full scan of their leg veins at the initial consultation.  Failure to treat these underlying feeding veins may lead to poor cosmetic results from sclerotherapy, progression of thread veins or progression to varicose veins.

No long waiting lists at our clinics

Its best to get thread veins treated early

Don’t worry if you have got thread veins in your legs, we have many simple treatments available. As with many medical conditions, it is always best to get your thread veins attended to as early as possible.

A Professional Team

Led by Mr Jeremy Newman

Microsclerotherapy for Thread Veins

A minimally invasive non-surgical procedure which involves a very small needle to inject an irritant (sclerosant) directly into the vein.  This solution displaces the blood blanching the vein and the sclerosant causes the vein walls to stick together preventing blood from flowing in this area.  For larger thread veins this same sclerosant can be turned into a foam to make it thicker and less likely to escape before the sclerosant can cause the vein to close.

Sclerotherapy takes about 30 minutes to perform and may take several sessions to be effective, especially if there are large areas needing treatment.  The needle used is very fine, but may cause some discomfort during the treatment.  All patients are placed into a stocking for aftercare to keep the thread veins compressed and allow the sclerosant to be effective.  You will be able to drive home following the treatment.


No long waiting lists at our clinics

It’s best to treat your thread veins before they become problematic


Are there any risks to sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is safe and the most effective treatment for leg thread veins.  Unfortunately, no treatments are risk-free and it is not uncommon for the thread veins to look worse before they look better.  It is important to wait a number of months between sessions and it is possible to undergo multiple sessions to achieve the desired cosmetic result.

Skin discolouration – It is quite common for patients to experience some skin discolouration where the thread vein has been treated.  This usually fades within a few months and it is therefore important to wait between sessions.

Local irritation– Itching and pain at injection site is quite common and may last a few hours to a few days.


Allergic reaction – Any drug may cause an allergic reaction but this is very uncommon

Telangiectatic matting – very fine veins which form in the skin at the site of sclerotherapy.  These usually fade over time but may be resolved through further sclerotherapy or laser.

Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT – a very uncommon complication following sclerotherapy alone.

Will my thread veins be treated with my varicose veins?

If you undergo treatment for feeding veins and varicose veins but also require sclerotherapy then it is quite common for the thread veins to be treated at a later appointment.  The local anaesthetic injections in the leg for the varicose vein treatment will often make it difficult to see the small thread veins.