Varicose Veins Treatments

For Patients in Birmingham, West Midlands, Worcestershire, Staffordshire and Shropshire

Varicose veins treatments.

Seeking treatment for varicose veins is a personal choice. For many, the symptoms are a daily occurrence that affect the quality of life both in and out of work.  For some, the complications of varicose veins are a clear indication from treatment and for others they wish to be able to wear that skirt or pair of shorts they no longer feel confident to wear.

Lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, losing weight, avoiding prolonged standing and wearing support stockings are all be beneficial, but will not prevent the progression of the varicose veins or their symptoms. Treating the underlying causes of the varicose veins is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) who advise assessment and treatment by a specialist vascular surgeon.

Treatments are also personal and need to be tailored to your needs and wishes. Following a detailed consultation and assessment including an ultrasound of your varicose veins, Jeremy will discuss the causes of your varicose veins and the recommended treatment plan.

For most varicose vein treatments there are two components:

  • Firstly, the feeding vein needs to be identified and stopped. These refluxing veins are normally found in common sites either in the groin, thigh or calf and are deeper in the leg meaning that you are unaware of them.  Treating these is like turning off the ‘tap’ which is supplying the varicose veins with the high-pressure venous blood.  Because the valves within the vein have stopped working effectively it is better for this vein to stop working altogether.  Effective treatment results in the blood draining back to the heart through other normally working veins in the leg.
  • Secondly, is to manage the varicosities or redundant ‘hose’ left after turning off the tap. These superficial and tortuous veins are mostly cosmetic and can usually be treated as part of the same procedure.  Treating them without treating the feeding vein results in a much higher rate of recurrence as the feeding vein hasn’t been stopped.

The sooner you seek treatment for your varicose veins the better:
– To reduce their progression into larger and more widespread veins.
– To prevent, improve or eradicate the common symptoms and complications of varicose veins.
– To improve quality of life both cosmetically and symptomatically


You’ll be in safe hands at our clinics

Varicose Veins Treatments with Medtronic-ClosureFast (TM)

We use the latest varicose veins treatments. Simple and effective treatments developed with partners such as Medtronic-ClosureFast

Varicose Veins Treatments

by Mr Jeremy Newman Veins Consultant

Radiofrequency ablation – Medtronic ClosureFast TM

Jeremy has been treating patients with varicose veins using the Medtronic ClosureFast radiofrequency ablation (RFA) catheter for more than a decade.  This minimally invasive technique has largely replaced open varicose vein surgery where the feeding vein was ‘stripped’ from the leg through a cut in the groin.  A similar technique to EndoVenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) with the same efficacy but less pain and bruising and a faster recovery time.

RFA closes or ablates the feeding vein using radiofrequency energy to create heat, which damages the vein wall and creates scar tissue.  It is carried out under local anaesthetic avoiding the risks of general anaesthesia and there are no big cuts or scars in the groin.  NICE recommend it as the first choice for managing varicose veins where it is suitable to be used.  Patients benefit from a quicker, walk-in walk-out procedure, less time off work and reduced incidence of pain, bruising, infections and recurrence of their varicose veins.

Under ultrasound guidance, the Medtronic CloureFast RFA catheter is inserted into the faulty vein under local anaesthetic through a tiny skin incision.  Further quantities of the same anaesthetic solution are injected around the vein along the entire length to be treated before the energy is delivered as the catheter is withdrawn.  Each section of vein is carefully treated to ensure the correct amount of energy is delivered for successful closure of the faulty vein.


Open Varicose vein Surgery

Open varicose vein surgery has mostly been superseded by minimally invasive endovenous methods.  Occasionally the anatomy of a patient’s veins will mean that open surgery is the best option.  As a specialist vascular surgeon with over 20 years experience assessing veins, Jeremy is able to advise you about this during your consultation.  Often this surgery will require a general anaesthetic (GA) and takes a little longer to recover from but the results are still excellent.


Microphlebectomy is the minimally invasive removal of the superficial or tortuous varicosities following treatment of the feeding vein.  Under local anaesthetic through tiny incisions, the veins are removed requiring only a steristrip to close the wound.  This method gives the best cosmetic result for medium to large varicosities and is carried out at the same time as the feeding vein ablation.

Ultrasound Guided Foam Scleroptherapy

A minimally invasive treatment for larger veins and feeder veins where a liquid sclerosant is agitated to create a foam.  This is then injected under ultrasound guidance into the veins where it causes an inflammatory reaction and seals them off.  It is not recommended by NICE except when RFA is not possible, usually in recurrent or highly tortuous feeder veins.

VeneSeal Closure System


VeneSeal is one of the newest endovenous methods for treating refluxing feeder veins.  Similar to RFA the catheter is inserted under ultrasound guidance with a small amount of local anaesthetic. Unlike RFA there is then no need for local anaesthetic solution to be injected around the vein.  The VenaSeal device injects cyanoacrylate adhesive (superglue) as the catheter is withdrawn sticking the inner vein walls together.  It’s main advantages over RFA are less pain and bruising and faster recovery times.